Suggestion: Unlimited Number of characters allowed in each "Note"

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Suggestion: Unlimited Number of characters allowed in each "Note"

Post by TommyGee »

I keep a lot of data in my "Notes" within Outlook.
There seams to be a limited number of characters allowed per note in the Notes section of the current version.
I am sure this could easily be remedied by making it "unlimited".

Found this out the hard way.
Took my cell out on a job that required all the detailed specs in a specific note and found only about 50% of the information was there.
rest was cut off.

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Re: Suggestion: Unlimited Number of characters allowed in each "Note"

Post by admin »

Thank you for the suggestion. However, there shouldn't be a limitation regarding the number of characters a note could store. Do you still happen to have that long note? If so, could you let us know the number of characters it consists of? Thanks!
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