Clearing birthday does not clear from Android

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Clearing birthday does not clear from Android

Post by orchidpop »

Using the new version of OAS syncing from Outlook 2010 to Android, I have a problem with the birthday field. I had a birthday for one contact which has been synced there. There are associated birthday events for this contact too. I cleared out the birthday field for the contact and synced, and the Android contact still has the birthday and the events still are there.

Any ideas how to work around this short of deleting the contact completely and then re-adding it without a birthday?
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Re: Clearing birthday does not clear from Android

Post by admin »

We were able to partially reproduce the problem. Will fix in the next version.
Please mention which Android accounts you synchronize your Outlook calendar and contacts into. Thanks!
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Re: Clearing birthday does not clear from Android

Post by orchidpop »

I'm using my Outlook-Android Sync calendar and my Google account. I used to use my Google account for the calendar too, but had issues and y'all told me to switch to the Outlook-Android Sync calendar instead.

Glad you were able to repro the birthday removal issue, at least partially. Thanks.
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Re: Clearing birthday does not clear from Android

Post by admin »

Will be fixed in the new versions of OAS. Thanks for letting us know about the bug.
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